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Planning for something on Memorial Weekend check it out on CBS Jericho message board. Something about protesting outside of CBS buildings in Peanut Suits.
Jericho is one of the best shows out there. Many other shows seem so repetitive. Jericho's storyline was actually going somewhere. It needs to have at least another season.
Hey everyone :-) I just read this message from CBS entertainment which basically stated that have heard our complaints and the compromise is to HOPEFULLY find a way to provide closure to the fans because of the season finale. I urge all of you to please not stop sending e-mails, complaints, letters, and nuts to the CBS network. We do not only want a closure from the season finale but for Jericho to have a fair shot this fall. Please, continue on with the fight to keep Jericho on the air.
I got this list from a post from the CBS Jericho message board earlier today. please consider on doing one or more of the following and continue to bump this message to the top. thanks everyone :-)
"Date: 2007-05-17T01:20:54
We have to do something about this!! Hello to the Saving Jericho MySpace Group!! Thanks for spreading this list!
Venting our anger and frustration isn't going to bring the show back! We are the only ones that can make that happen!
President, CBS Paramount Network TV, David Stapf
President, CBS Paramount Network TV Entertainment Group, Nancy Tellem,
Executive Chairman and Founder, Sumner
The company, it's divisions and it's division executives are listed here:
Email or call all the of the affiliates
CBS Entertainment
7800 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90039-2112
(323) 575-2747
Mr. Kelly Kahl
Senior Exec VP of Programming
CBS Television Network
51 West 52nd St.
New York, NY 10019
Someone in another thread spoke with this woman, Melissa Perez, and she indicated that the flood of calls and emails are making a difference! Email her!
4. Sign this online petition, its over 41,000 and growing by the minute.
5. Get the critics involved. They don't work for CBS, they aren't the bad guys, be nice and ask them for help. (Click on Ask Kristin next to her picture) (Click on Email Michael Ausiello)
6. WRITE CBS A LETTER ON A PIECE OF PAPER AND PUT IT IN AN ENVELOPE. Not an email, an actual letter, flood them with mail.
Mr. Kelly Kahl
Senior Exec VP of Programming
CBS Television Network
51 West 52nd St.
New York, NY 10019
Ms. Nina Tassler, President
CBS Entertainment
7800 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90039-2112
(323) 575-2747
7. Send a package of NUTS! to the above addresses in honor of the cliffhanger they don't plan to resolve. is mainstream media coverage - even if it is a blog. We need this type of coverage to succeed.
8. Support the Saving Jericho MySpace Group
9. Contact all of the CBS affiliates and make your voice heard. Not your local one, email and/or call as many of them as you can.
11. Copy the link to the web address to this forum, email it to those concerned with the show, let them see for themselves what the fans think.
12. Copy and Paste this post anywhere on the internet that will do some good.
Don't Give Up, We Can Do This!!!
I will update this list so it can be a comprehensive resource for all, please, do whatever you want with this post. Copy it and email it to friends, paste it on other websites, get the word out!! Keep this post bumped to the top, please!"
The campaign to save Jericho is the first I've ever been involved with, but I feel Jericho is the best new show to come along in years! It deserves our support, and to see the number of people who feel the same way is great.
My wife & I have watched every episode, and feel CBS is making a huge mistake in canceling it!!!!
dear cbs dont be a jackass like those other statastions are jerhico is the best dame tv show so far you can take our shows but you cannot take are jerico we will rise and we will fight withe all are hearts pay back will be a bitch
Please reconsider your decision to cancel the show. I absolutely LOVE Jericho. I have not watched network television in years until I saw the first episode of Jericho online. I was immediately hooked and could hardly wait for Wednesdays to get here to watch it again. During the long midseason hiatus, I felt as if I were missing old friends. I HAVE to know what happens between Jake, Emily, and Heather, as well as what happens in the lives of the other characters. Their stories aren
Jericho is the best show on TV today, you would normally have to tune into HBO or another channel like it to get a show of this quality!!! DONT GET RID OF JERICHO!!!
As David Letterman once pointed out.. "You can't spell 'Bumbling Executives' without CBS"..Truer words were never spoken if they let this fantastic show die this way..over 45,000 signatures to save the show on the petition, and i'll bet only a fraction of the fans have signed it yet. Don't kill this show, CBS..otherwise just shorten the network's name to "BS", as it would be very fitting.
I truly love this show. Please let it stay. I was truly up set when you took off "The Agency 2001" and now this. This show has great Actors and the story line is showing us how to survive if any thing should happen. My part, I am so sick of CSI, CSI NY, CSI Miami with blood and guts, and Law and order. Shark is just another Nash. Please bring Jericho back. Please don't make another mistake! Joanne
The cast of Jericho were wonderful and I looked forward to watching them each Thursday. I am so angry that this show is not coming back in the fall. CBS has made a huge error. I will no longer watch any CBS programming.
Attn: CBS - Please reconsider cancelling Jericho. This is the best show that has come around in years. It has surpassed 24 as my favorite show & I have turned my wife and a number of friends on to the show. I think there were 2 mistakes made by CBS with the handling of the show: #1
Jericho was an eye-opening experience that made you think about what would happen IF... watching their community pull together was inspiring and the cast and crew of this great show deserve to finish telling the story of Jericho.
Jericho is one of the only network programs I felt was interesting enough to watch week after week. I admit it, I was hooked. The premise is terrifyingly realistic: What if all civilization did break down?
Please don't cancel this show! Give it another chance!
CBS are idiots...I'm sending 5 lbs. of peanuts to CBS, I've sent numerous emails, letters, etc. to them. I hope that we can save Jericho, it's worth saving.
I find it hard to believe CBS has made such a lame move as to take the best show they have offered in the past 20 years. What is going to replace it? Maybe a new reality show about finding Paris Hilton's underwear.
Jericho's cancellation is an amazing slap in the face to it's viewers by a network. A new line was crossed in the decendening drop of network television. It appears that this time many viewers will not forget. Who wants to invest their time, concern, and emotion again only to have it happen with a future show? Am I the only one who feels like I want to cry?
Enter your comments here...The problem is that CBS more than likely owns rights to the show. They have final say if it can go and you better believe they arent gonna let another network pick it up and have a chance to steal some of there watchers.
It seems that when a show comes along that actually has a story line with good acting and good writing it is bound to fail. I don't feel that CBS has the patience to allow a good show to develop to its' full potential. Jericho was the one show that I actually made an effort not to miss every week. I will not miss watching commercial TV on NBC or any other station.
Since they decided that a good show did not belong on the air. I decided that there is nothing on NBC that want to watch anymore.
I would like to say to CBS. You didnt take the time out to properly advertise this show. You set it for failure from day one but I dont think you thought it would be such a large fan base. You cannot just count neilsen ratings because you also showed the shows on They also had it available on comcast as well as over seas. This was the only show my family and I have watched together in a few years. Good brain food. Made you think and wonder...."What would I do". send in your nuts. email or fax in your nuts. Call and ask Cbs about nuts..
Any of you other networks out there pick up this show and let CBS think after a next year of double ratings. Press Army of Jericho!
this from jericho boards
Dear JERICHO Fans and Friends,
Many of you have posted here that you're curious about how we are taking the cancellation and why we haven't posted anything in these boards. The fact is that most of us are devastated. I wouldn't dare try to speak for all of the cast and crew, but I can tell you that I've spoken to or exchanged e-mails with about 50 people from the JERICHO family and we are shocked and depressed by the networks decision.
I've been doing this kind of work for almost twenty years and I have never encountered a kinder, funnier, more dedicated and professional cast and crew in all of that time. One of our grips told me that in 33 years on the job he was never happier to leave his family and go off to work. It has been, unequivocally, my best professional experience.
Your support throughout the season and particularly since the cancellation has been very, very gratifying. You guys rock!
I know you never wanted Gray to be your Mayor, but I loved every minute of it!
Every Wednesday at 8 pm, I was tuned in to Jericho. Every Wednesday at 9 pm, I was anxiously awaiting next week's episode. Jericho was the first TV show in a very long time to capture my attention like that. I can't believe CBS would cancel such an excellent series. NUTS!
Well, I've signed all the petitions, emailed the network and all I can do now is hope and pray that our wish comes true and they renew this incredible program!
I *LOVE* the the Hawkins pic you used to advertise your site. "Jericho" is a awesome show, and even though I rarely was able to see it when it was on (DVR'd almost all of the season) I would do anything to prove to others that it is a show worth renewing. Keep up the good work, and make sure to sign the petition. :-)
I've joined the fight. I sent a letter to CBS Paramount today, I will send more out tomorrow. I signed the petition at and got other people to do the same. I called their home office in NYC. I'll send letters to TNT too. I've posted online to get the word out. I'll write my local newspaper's columnists to make them aware that there's a growing fan movement to keep the show going.
Sometimes, you never know how much you love something, until it's gone...
If there's one thing I've learned recently, this show meant a lot to a lot of people. Imagine the outcry if Lost or Heroes got cancelled like this? There'd be a massive outcry from their legions of fans. It's up to us to push the issue. It has WORKED for other TV shows that were cancelled prematurely, shows that didn't even have as many viewers as Jericho, and they got their shows back.
If anyone wants to join in standing up and speaking for saving JERICHO, here's one place you can find out more of how to help:
Raise your voices! Don't let the big networks shrug us off. We want our show back!
CBS sucks. how can they leave us at such a cliff hanger at least they could do is end the show for us. how can you do that to such a "loyal" audiance. I hope it switches to TNT.
I loved Jericho. Like I emailed CBS. There are only 3 shows on TV that the next episode didn't come fast enough. 3 Shows thats it and Jericho was one. I understand ratings, they make sence to a point, but the blogs for Jericho, this site and others that defend the show. I don't understand how CBS can cancel it. If you look at their new Fall line up, thet have 2 Crimtime Saturday shows on Saturday, why not eliminate 1? Wow and I don't even work for a network. Well thanks for listening, and remeber "SAVE JERICHO"!!
I can't believe that CBS has decided to end what was the best show of the season!!! I am pissed off and I won't take this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell everyone you know to do anything they can to save this show, even if they don't watch... We need a lot of support for this cause...
The current ratings system is not longer valid. The Neilson families are a joke. I know alot of people that TiVo Jericho faithfully, many that watch it thru their cable companies ON Demand feature, and many more that watch thru streaming video sites. Do you count that into your ratings numbers? NO you don't! The show is really good and deserves at least one season. If you have to cancel it then please give us a 2hr series finale so that we can have closure.
Enter your comments here...I just found out the show has gone off. I was waiting to see what happened with the battle. This was one of the most innovative shows of the season - I cannot understand why it was canned. The network did the harm by large time blocks between airings. THIS SHOW SHOULD BE GIVEN A SECOND CHANCE - We need the conclusion, the explanations - the writers need to complete the story.
Here's a little outburst from Denmark.
Finally one great tv-show airs on one of the puplic tv channels here in DK, where alot of people stays home on a saturday night to follow it, and then we hear that it gets cancelled by the producing channel...
Can't say, how dissapointed I am about leaving a tv show with that ending...
Please make the next season of Jericho, so that i can live without the nagging thought in the back of my mind, of what to become of the town of Jericho!
I am very disapointed in CBS. I am very disapointed in national TV stations alltogether. Jericho was(is) a very smart show, it made you think. It actully had people theorizing. That takes intelligence. To replace it with another mindless reality show for all the people who are too affraid to live thier lives and to actully go outside and have thier own adventures, who are so obsessed with what everyone else in the world is doing instead of worring about their own lives,(That is why the country is in the craper)is just a slap in the face of the people who are productive citizens and actully use their brains. I am so discusted with this decision I don't even know how to express it. I don't understand why smart shows like Jericho, Invasion, Daybreak,The Nine and any other show that requires an IQ over 3 gets cancelled and shows where people get rewarded for another persons humiliation get to run rampet over the airwaves, is this what ENTERTAINMENT has come to. That it's not worth watching if you have to think about it but if you can humiliate, call someone names, lie, decieve, and show just how big of an idiot you are the show will be a big hit. What happend to this country. I mean people complain how bad things are, drugs, violence, infadelity but now one cares that it is what is showing on TV every day. Come one people I hope that there are enough (smart) people left in the world to actully make a difference. DON'T LET JERICHO DIE WITHOUT A FIGHT!!!!
WE NEED A order to get this show back on, there needs to be a leader. CBS needs to realize that it was their mistake in taking 3 months off, then putting the show up against the #1 show in the world. Also, I read an article that discussed how all shows have lost ratings since the beginning of the year. This HAS to be because of TIVO & DVR's.